
The next question pertained to what he thought about being a product manager. He said he loved it and the enjoyed the responsibility for the success of the product and that you get to be involved in all of the aspects that make the product successful. He then described a map that was split into four quadrants to represents how he prioritizes his tasks. He labels everything either important, not important, urgent, or not urgent. If they are urgent and important those things must get done now. The not urgent but important projects should be paid attention too, but it is important to do the urgent but not important projects because what is not important to you, might be important to somebody else.
His personal life story was interesting too. It was cool to hear that he practices martial arts and that he loved going to the film festival. I think my roommate might have a man crush on Bert after this meeting...Awh who am I kidding, I do too. It was great seeing Bert again and learning more about his thought processes and philosophies.
Jay Fu's Amasian Steakhouse is a restaurant that is designed around the fictional story of an Asian man who transformed a steakhouse into an Asian American Steak house. Every aspect of the restaurant is developed around the design of this story. The menu, the architecture, the website, and the marketing of the restaurant all support the story and creates an adventure for the customers.
This company taught us the importance of innovation and brand recognition. They strive to create products that are innovative and unlike any other product on the market through the architecture and storytelling. It was insightful and intriguing listening to Par and his story for this innovative and prestigious company.
Enjoyed our final night out with the crew!
Daily Reflections:
- There is a fear in globalizing into the Asian market because of poor patent protection in China
- Swedish management is more straight forward with performance reviews, as Americans tend to sugarcoat poor performance
- It is important to develop culture maps when investing in new markets to understand different cultural views and cultural motivators
- Product managers are known as the "lone wolf" position
- There is never a boring day as a project manager
- Par said, "It's hard to ask somebody about an experience that they haven't had yet. You have to just show them."
- It is crucial to make your business an adventure or an cool experience when in the hospitality experience industry
- Jay Fu sounds like an awesome place to go get dinner
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