We did not meet with any businesses today.
This was our first opportunity to sleep in and I believe everybody took the opportunity to enjoy the extra hours of sleep. To be honest, we didn't even wake up until it was about 30 minutes away from the time to leave. Connor and I decided we deserved to hibernate for once. So no, we did not enjoy Sweden, we enjoyed the comforts of our dreams.
Their home is beautiful. Words cannot describe this place, and the pictures will follow up shortly to help depict the land he is on. They made us all feel like we were at home. We gave them flowers and taco bell as a present for inviting us over. Side note, the first thing they get when they land in America is stop at a Taco Bell. JJ knew they loved Taco bell, so he bought a cooking kit of it for them. Once dinner started, it was amazing.
It was a seafood buffet. It started with pea soup that we had punche with. Punche is a Swedish liquor that goes well with the soup. After we finished the soup and the liquor, the main course was starting. Asa made a demonstration for the table to illustrate how to take the food apart and how to properly eat everything. I swear the look on Megan's face was priceless. She literally turned ghost white and the demonstration began to look more like a fish massacre versus a gentle demonstration. Regardless, she did a fabulous job demonstration how to eat the shrimp eggs, the crayfish, shrimp, crab, mackerel, and potatoes.
After dinner they prepared us dessert and we began talking for the rest of the night. It was interesting, they were so personable that we all began calling then aunt Asa and uncle Per.
The final part of the night was trying Surströmming. Surströmming is a really stinky herring that has been fermenting (rotting) for a long time and Swedish people eat it in the summer to celebrate. It has a rancid smell and you put it on a cracker with potatoes and onions. It didn't taste that bad, but the smell was enough to kill me. I will not be trying that again, but it is great that I can finally call myself a viking.
Daily Reflections:
- Sleep is amazing
- Auntie Asa and Uncle Per are family forever
- If you are the smallest, you have to ride in the trunk
- A house on the ocean is the most beautiful place to be
- Swedish people love Taco Bell
- Number 5 could be a new business idea!
- Punche tastes amazing
- Asa is the best at dismembering all seafood
- Surströmming does not taste bad, but the smell is strong enough to kill off half of Sweden when opened

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