Monday, January 13, 2014

Why Are We in Sweden?

"The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page."
    St. Augustine

"Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness."
    Mark Twain

Course Description

This study tour focuses on international business and marketing in Sweden; the largest Scandinavian country. The course will also focus on the history, culture and politics that helped transform this country into a major international trading nation. Three modules have been designed into the course:

Module #1 Theory/Background/Preparation (Carthage College)
A series of lectures covering the basics of international business and marketing are planned. A brief overview of Swedish history and culture will be included. We will also learn how to create a blog.

Module #2 Experiential Learning (Sweden)

A mixture of lectures and field trips to several Swedish companies are planned. The University of Goteborg will be providing local subject matter experts as lecturers. Company visits/tours will allow access to executives from a broad range of Swedish companies including: ABB Robotics, Volvo Automotive, Wireless Car, a mid-sized technology start-up, a large Swedish ad agency, a large telecom company and others. Evening activities will focus on the social and cultural aspects of Sweden. We will be required to maintain our blogs during this phase of the course. 

Module #3 Reflection (Carthage College)
After reflection and discussions, we will present their findings/learning in the form of a paper.


What an awesome learning opportunity! I'm anxious to read all about it as you go through your journey! I'm so proud of you Michael!

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